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The Big Reveal

Image Do you ever watch makeover shows? You know, the ones like Extreme Makeover that changed the person’s appearance and made them beautiful. Or maybe you enjoy programs that transform houses or apartments. Still, it’s possible you don’t care about those at all. But I’ll bet you’ve seen Instagram or Facebook videos with a pregnant couple discovering their baby’s gender. And with any of these, what do we breathlessly wait for at the end? Right! The Big Reveal .   A few weeks ago, I was writing a lesson for our Sunday School Class, and my study led me to First Peter. I can’t remember how I got there, other than one Scripture must have cross-referenced 1 Peter 1:5: “who are KEPT by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”   “…Revealed in the last time…” made me think of all those “revealing” shows. But this verse started in the middle of Peter’s sentence. So, I had to back up to f

Is The Wood Dry?

Image wikipedia/commons/4/41/Fire.JPG Going camping anytime soon? Yes, fun! But don’t use fresh-cut, green branches for your fire. Why? They don’t burn immediately. Green wood contains a high moisture content, leading to incomplete combustion and excessive smoke… [1] It takes about six months for green wood to be dried and correctly seasoned so the wood does not create pollution or a creosote build-up. [2]   A fresh-cut branch or green wood is new—at the beginning of the seasoning or drying process. So, keep this in mind as you read.   Are you as frustrated as I am with the events of the past three and a half years? Whoever thought we’d see Americans held as political prisoners by our own government? Or illegals invading through open borders, and these same non-citizens voting? Whoever thought we’d suffer another round of skyrocketing inflation with gas and grocery prices so high we can barely make ends meet? Did we ever think we’d see ele

The RIGHT Of The People

  robert-linder-fcFEnjBmm14-unsplash July 4, 2024 , A m e r i c a ’ s 248 th Birthday! The moment the founders of our great Nation made the unanimous decision to DECLARE our independence!   In the opening statements of our God-given, in my opinion, D e c l a r a t i o n o f I n d e p e n d e n c e , the signers laid out the right of “the thirteen united States…” to make such a pronouncement. They found it necessary for "the one people,” us Americans, “to dissolve the political bands which connected them with another…,” Great Britain. “…and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of…God entitle them…that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”   These founders of America proclaimed boldly the equality of all humans, stating they are “…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable R i g h t s , that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”   Moreover, our Forefathe

The TRUE Banner, Part 2

  robert-linder-fcFEnjBmm14-unsplash In a few days, we will celebrate the moment our fledgling nation declared its independence from Great Britain. On July 4th , many will display the A m e r i c a n F l a g , fondly known as Old Glory. But how many of us know the history and meaning of our flag, the banner we A m e r i c a n s rally around?   Our A m e r i c a n F l a g “…comprises two basic elements: the canton or union (the blue corner with the stars) and the field , composed of red and white stripes.   The canton is a rectangle of Old Glory Blue overlaid with 50 white 5-pointed stars, representing the 50 states of the Union. The field comprises 13 stripes, 7 in Old Glory Red and 6 in plain white, representing the original 13 colonies founded in the 17th and 18 th centuries. After the federal government designed and officially used the Great Seal of the United States for the first time, they gave the colors on the A m e r i c a n F l a g a meaning:   Red sym