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Love Speaks

  Our grandson, Justin, is getting married in April, and we couldn’t be happier. This love story began when they met in seventh grade and has stood the test of time and adversity all the way through high school and now as they both graduate from college. Looking from the outside, I see their unconditional love .   This past weekend, his mother, our daughter Lorrie, and I were honored to celebrate the upcoming nuptials at Cailyn’s lovely bridal shower. And what a beautiful bride she’ll make!   Like most of you with children and grandchildren, we love Justin and Cailyn. We’re thankful for the love they share and their forgiving hearts. Honoring God by honoring their parents became more important than harboring anger or frustration. Truly, LOVE covers a multitude of sins. [1] And aren’t we so thankful for love ? I know some have suffered loss, and this month may be a bit painful, but would you ever consider not loving? Romance wanes over time, yet deep, abiding love ...


It's official. There's a new sheriff in town, and the outlaws…well…they are a-runnin'!   Many of us prayed so hard for this, and joy fills our hearts. We know the LORD said yes. But even if He had said no like He did four years ago, that does not change His sovereignty for the Almighty Triune God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. [1]   His changelessness diminishes fear and allows true believers to have unspeakable joy no matter the condition of our lives or the situations in our world. [2] Why? Joy comes from within our soul since we are filled with God's Spirit. Joy transcends the things we see and experience because God Most High is on His throne, and He loves us with an everlasting love. He is in total control, orchestrating events in our lives and on Earth, whether trials to refine us or gifts to bring us joy and Him glory. [3] We, above all, know how God works things around for the good of those who love Him. [4] So...

Why Christmas?

  Worship House Media       Can you believe it? Amid Thanksgiving preparations, a world war was escalating. Would it happen? Was the handwriting already on the wall? Had God weighed our world in the balances and found it wanting? [1]      For a while now, I’ve felt the end of the age [2] fast approaching. Chaos, insanity, wars, rumors of wars now with nuclear capabilities, and artificial intelligence so threatening humanity that, if possible, no flesh would remain. [3] Earlier, it seemed the LORD gave America and, by extension, the world a reprieve and great hope for the future. But with this current volatility, I’m not so sure.      End-time disorder is prophesied in the Bible. Are Jesus’s warnings coming to life before our eyes, blinking on and off like a neon sign declaring, “The End is Near?”       Hold on…Jesus also said, “…See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, b...

Do Our Part - Pt 2

Image   “ W e t h e P e o p l e of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the  United States of America.” [1]   When this God-given document was signed 237 years ago, it was unmatched. America was unlike any nation on earth. All others had monarchies. America had W E , T H E P E O P L E , as the governing body. “The Constitution united its citizens as members of a whole, vesting the power of the union in the people . [2]   In just a few days, W e, t h e P e o p l e , will have the opportunity to VOTE in probably the most consequential election of our nation’s history. And the question is, will God allow America to exist the way He designed it? Or will He continue to allow it to be dismantled fro...