Miracles in the Wilderness Series - Lesson 5 - Pillars of Cloud and Fire - Part 1

“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light, so as to go by day and night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day or the pillar of fire by night from before the people.” (Ex. 13:21-22)

Last lesson we saw how God leading Israel the long way, gave them time to see His mighty power and learn to trust Him. In this lesson, we’ll discover the daily phenomenon the Lord provided for Israel, is also for us.

The pillars of cloud and fire were the constant sign of God’s presence. Throughout Israel’s forty-year journey, in times of disobedience, doubt, grumbling and complaining, this evidence of God’s presence never left.

However, Israel became complacent to this miracle.

Tell me, how could a person ever tire of seeing something so amazing? In our time, when we are pushing God out of everything, wouldn’t we love this kind of concrete assurance of His leading, guidance, and presence? Something tangible indicating God is with us and directing our path. Interestingly enough, we do have it.

First, God has given us creation. The heavens declare the glory of God and the earth displays His handiwork. Think about this truth:  There is not a language on earth unable to hear creation’s voice or see clear evidence for God’s existence, no matter what the evolutionists say.

Secondly and most importantly, we have God’s Holy Word, our Bible.

When God gave His Law at Mt. Sinai, Moses and the Priests became custodians, but the common Israelite had no access to it. However, we do. In times past, God spoke audibly at various times, to different people in diverse ways, but now He speaks to us through His Son. Jesus is the Living and Eternal Word of God, inseparable from the Written Word of God. In it, we learn of God’s love and sacrifice. We gain assurance Jesus is with us and will never leave.

On the night of His arrest, Jesus guaranteed He would not leave the disciples orphans, but would send His Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. God’s word is truth. It is God-breathed and just as real as the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.

We just need to believe. Then when our heart plans our way, we will fully trust our great and glorious Lord to order and direct our steps.


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