Time to Grow

If you, like me, live in the north, then you too, are looking forward to warmer weather. I know my calendar says spring, but I haven’t yet seen enough sunshine, to blast away those winter blues.

Where, oh where, is the green?

Hey, did you ever say or write a word that instantly sparks a memory? For me, just typing the word “green” brought one to mind. It reminded me of the Wordless Book. Now, this is not the message I had planned to write, but do any of you know what I mean?

The Wordless Book was a tiny book with colored pages and no words, hence the name. Later, and especially for smaller children, it was transformed into a glove, with each finger a different color. Then, today online, I found instructions for a beaded bracelet. The book, glove, and bracelet, all tell the same story, using colors of gold, black, red, white, and green. Together, these colors present the Good News or Gospel of Jesus Christ, starting with gold.
Gold reminds us of heaven, streets of gold, and God’s throne. Heaven is where we want to be, but sin will keep us out, you see. No matter the color of our skin, our soul is black because of sin. There’s only One Way to clean our soul, being washed in the Lamb’s red blood, is our goal. Believing, receiving forgiveness of sin, Jesus cleans our soul and makes us white within. Then we become new babes in Christ, needing milk to grow and live this new life.

The color green in the Wordless Book represents growing. On the other hand, green is also the color of spring, the time when creation awakens and begins to grow. Each day as we read Scripture, we grow too, and our life in Christ blossoms.

Nevertheless for you, maybe winter is still here and the coldness isn’t only outside your door. Maybe frigid days of pain and heartache have caused winter to take up residence, and ice encapsulates your heart.

Maybe trouble has caused your soul to sink within you and you feel, as though, nothing will melt the ice so you can live again.

Then stop for a moment and hope in the Lord. Recall His mercies and the fact that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. God’s mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:21-23)


Remember, we do not know the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child. So too, we do not know the works of God who makes everything and kneads all things together for our good. (Ecclesiastes 11:5; Romans 8:28) 

Pray with King David, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me,” and then feel God’s faithfulness wash over you like warm sunshine, melting the ice. Your heart will revive and flourish, and you will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen (Psalm 51:10; I John 1:9; 2 Peter 3:18)


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