A Letter of Christ

In this very busy digital age, we have all but lost the art of letter writing. Gone are the days of the eloquent handwritten letter with its etiquette and style. But here to stay are emails, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, and all the others.
Amedeo Momo Simonetti

For years, personal letters became keepsakes; tangible and identifiable items straight from the heart of a loved one, perhaps many miles from home. Just by observing the handwriting, the reader could recognize the writer and almost feel their presence. And no matter how many times they reread the letter, the feeling was the same.

I realize it is much faster to shoot out an email, post on Facebook, tweet, or text, and receive almost immediate gratification, but it’s not the same. Our busyness and time constraints necessitate this mode of communication. Yet, when someone does take the time to hand-write a letter or card, it somehow feels more special and so do we.

Isn’t it wonderful that we have a love letter from our Triune God? An epistle we can read every day and feel His presence. But did you know you are also a letter?
Gutenberg Bible - www.wikipedia.org
“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.” (II Corinthians 3:2-3)

These verses explain how not only are we a letter from the one who led us to Christ, read by all we meet, but we are also Christ’s letter. By our life, we are His handwriting testifying of His sacrifice, love, and mercy. We are not words carved into tablets of stone or paper written with pen and ink. No, we are tablets of flesh, for Jesus has written on our heart by the Spirit of the Living God.

So, if we are Christ’s epistle, what does the world read?

Do they read about an all-powerful, unchanging God, who loves so unconditionally that He died for us? Or do they see an angry, judgmental, subjugating God, who demands appeasement? Do we read as though we are weak and tormented, or peaceful and triumphant?

Remember, your countenance tells His story. Are we under our circumstances wringing our hands, or are we shouting in victory because Jesus Christ has overcome the world? 

Jesus is like light shining in darkness. But darkness has so blackened some hearts they can’t see Him. Jesus said, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:5)

Nevertheless, His light is supposed to shine through believers.

Therefore, as a letter from a loved one brings love, comfort, and understanding to the receiver, we, as the letter of Christ, do the same.  We are to help this dark world see Jesus. Then, when they follow Him, their darkness will vanish in the light of life.


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