For What Are You Thankful?
Are you thankful for your family, your home, your job, your health, or countless other items?

We have so much, and in this season of Thanksgiving, we do see “thankful” people. In fact, there was a TV program Thanksgiving night called “Thank You, America”, where Robin Roberts and Jimmy Kimmel, surprised ordinary citizens who have done much to help their community and those in need. I must admit, I did not watch it. I’m only going on the Network’s advertisements.

Still, it’s great to “thank”, honor, and appreciate these generous and dedicated individuals. Nevertheless, how did they become so generous and what caused this outpouring of love to their community?

I suggest to you, it was God. We love, give, and show kindnesses, because God first loved us. (I John 4:19)

However, as all things go, the passing years have caused us to quietly and methodically eliminate God from this holiday of Thanksgiving. We lean more toward humanistic ideology and now, being thankful to bighearted, self-sacrificing people, seems almost spiritual.

Sadly, the inhabitants of this country have become as those Paul writes about in II Timothy 3:1-5. We have a “form or godliness”, but deny God’s power. It breaks my heart.

And, if it breaks my heart, what is Almighty God feeling? How grieved is His Holy Spirit?

Isaiah 63:10 tells us when Israel “…rebelled…[they]…grieved His Holy Spirit…” Psalm 78:40 explains, they “…often…provoked Him in the wilderness, and grieved Him in the desert!”

We frail, sinful humans feel pain with rejection, but it is nothing compared to our Holy and Pure God, who gave His life so we might live.

This week the Lord led me to Psalm 91. It is a short Psalm, only sixteen verses, but it helped me to put into words the things, besides my family, for which I am thankful:

Because of Jesus Christ, I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The Lord is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in whom I trust. He will surely deliver me from the snare of the fowler (temptations of the enemy). My Lord covers me with His feathers, so I take refuge under His wings.

Because His truth is my shield, I do
not have to fear the terror by night, arrows by day, pestilence, or destruction. The Lord Most High is my refuge, my dwelling place, and He has given His angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. When the evil day comes, they will bear me up and I shall tread upon my spiritual enemy. Because God has allowed me to love Him, know His name, and call upon Him, He answers me.  He will be with me in trouble, deliver, and honor me. With long life, He will satisfy me, and show me His salvation. 

My life, as well as yours, is in His hands. 
So, for what are you THANKFUL?


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