A Mystery Kept Secret - Now Revealed
Do you like mysteries? I do to a point. As long as the mystery is solved with a happy ending, I enjoy the investigation, search, and resolution. But, without a happy ending, I’m disturbed. This is one reason why TV season finales sometimes make me crazy. The word mystery , according to the online dictionary, means something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. It can also be a novel, play, or movie dealing with a puzzling crime, especially a murder. Obviously, television dramas are the latter. But, in just living we come upon mysteries – things we can’t explain. Some feel compelled to investigate because they need answers – to find each puzzle piece, assemble them, and solve the mystery . Then we are satisfied and settled. Still, because of this desire within us to know the complete story, doesn’t it intrigue you when God speaks in the New Testament about a m y s t e r y kept s e c r e t since the world began?