Living Stones

Pennsboro, West Virginia
When I was young and still, as I am old, I am amazed by God’s creation, not only flora and fauna i.e. trees, flowers, and animals, but the sky above and the earth beneath.  And I’ve always loved different and unique stones. Some stones I’d find on my hikes were the white or “lucky” stones and others furrowed with colors of tan, brown, and orange, peppered with golden sparkles.

Out the back door, through the pastures greeting curious cows as I walked, finally arriving in the small wooded area perfectly framed by our upstairs window. This was my special place. It was shaded, cool, and quiet. Yet, in spots, the sun broke through beaming its rays like lasers. There, some stones I found were green and almost appeared to be alive. But no, it was only moss. And rinsing them with pond water sometimes yielded treasures.
Northeast Ohio sky

It tickles me now when my grandchildren find stones and say, “Look, Grammy, isn’t is pretty?” For a moment, I’m their age, back in my special place, and again, in awe.

Have you ever noticed how many times God uses the word stone or stones in Scripture? Probably not, since it isn’t one of those words we readily associate with spiritual things. But recently, I’ve been intrigued by Scripture’s stones, ordinary or precious, used to represent people, tribes, and nations. Some are representative like pillar stones[1], memorial stones[2], covenant stones[3], gem stones[4], temple stones[5], and the one that has captured my heart, living stones[6].

Living stones? I thought stones were inanimate objects and even when they appear living, it’s only because they are covered in a living substance such as moss. True.  So, what does God mean by living stones?

Near Portland, Oregon
Let’s first think about the characteristics of a stone:  firm, strong, solid, and sometimes immovable. Stones can handle material piled upon them and not break. Yet a stone is not alive and cannot be moved unless someone moves it. So, how does this relate to us as living beings?

Speaking through Peter God tells us we, as newborn babies, are to desire the pure milk of Living Word of God – the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the foundation that has already been laid,[7] the Rock of our salvation,[8] the stone cut out of the mountain without hands,[9] the Chief Cornerstone[10] given to build the Temple of His Body.  He is the original Living Stone.[11] And if we have received Him as Savior and Lord, His Holy Spirit indwells us,[12] making us alive spiritually and physically. We are joint heirs with Christ – adopted sons of God – and we too, in Him, are living stones,[13] steadfast and immovable.[14]  Each of us with our uniqueness, are laid upon the foundation of Jesus and used by God to build the heavenly Jerusalem, the bride who has made herself ready adorned for her husband[15]. This city whose Builder and Maker is God.[16]  Once we were in darkness – a dead stone, but now alive in Christ.[17]
Multnomah Falls - Columbia River Gorge

Still, if you have never been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, yet consider yourself a Christian, you are like the stones I found in the woods – appearing alive – but dead just the same.  Let Jesus wash you with the water of His Word.[18]  Come to Him as to a Living Stone[19] and then you, along with us, will be a living stone adding to this cohesive TEMPLE.  Together we will wait to meet the Lord in the air[20] and not listen to date-setters, who disregard the Word of God.[21]

[1] Genesis 28:18-22
[2] Exodus 28:12; Joshua 4:5-7
[3] Genesis 31:44-48
[4] Exodus 28:17-21
[5] Mark 13:1-2
[6] I Peter 2:5
[7] I Corinthians 3:11
[8] 2 Samuel 22:47,  Psalm 89:26,  Psalm 95:1
[9] Daniel 2:45
[10] Psalm 118:22, I Peter 2:6-7
[11] I Peter 2:4
[12] Galatians 2:20
[13] I Peter 2:5
[14] I Corinthians 15:58
[15] Revelation 19:7-8, Revelation 21:2-3
[16] Hebrews 11:8-10
[17] Ephesians 5:8, Romans 6:11, Ephesians 2:5
[18] Ephesians 5:26
[19] I Peter 2:4
[20] 1 Thessalonians 4:17
[21] Matthew 24:36


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