Exercising God's Charge for 2020

Every December, I say to myself, “After the holidays, I’m going to lose weight and exercise more.” My goal is that by Valentine’s Day I’ll look the way I’ve always dreamed. I start with a hope and a weak prayer that somehow accomplishing this will make me beautiful. So far, God hasn’t answered that prayer. (Lol)

But, when the New Year rolls around, I have trouble, especially if New Year’s Day is in the middle of the week. (I prefer to start a transformation on a Monday.) So, a few days go by, I recall my resolution, and for a second time, determine to make these changes. However, as the cliché goes, life happens. I begin, but then have a hard time remembering to insert them into my daily routine (probably because I really didn’t want to do them in the first place). Soon I find myself wondering why I thought they were so important.

Still, weight loss and a more physically fit body are important to me. I know I should not dismiss them. So, once again, I’ll make the effort.

Did you realize Scripture addresses exercise? The apostle, Paul, in writing to young Timothy regarding exercise, compares it to our life in Christ. God, through Paul, says bodily exercise profits our physical health, but godliness profits all things.[1]

Because I want to profit all things, in this New Year, I have questions I must answer. Am I making spiritually healthy choices? Am I exercising not only my body but my spiritual knowledge and godliness? Am I losing carnal ways and gaining spiritual fruit? Am I walking in the Spirit,[2] running the race with endurance, and dealing with the weight of sin that so easily besets me?[3] Am I testing every spirit to see if it is from our one true and living God?[4] Am I seeing everything with clear, unclouded vision,[5] holding to sound doctrine, and rejecting the deceiving spirits that have slithered into the church? And most of all, do I realize I am living in the latter times of which Paul wrote, where some I know will heed those deceiving spirits, believe doctrines of demons, and depart from the faith?[6]

What if my spiritual body is fit, and I can answer yes to all? What then? Do I just sit back and rest on my laurels? Of course not! The Christian race calls for endurance. We never stop until Jesus takes us to heaven.

So how do we pace ourselves in this physical and spiritual life, and still make a difference?

First, fear God and remember, if we think we stand, the enemy of our soul is working hard to make us fall.[7] Second, study God’s word to show ourselves approved.[8] Third, we must be strong (that’s why we exercise) in the power of His might, and stand, dressed in the full armor of God,[9] walking carefully, in God’s wisdom, making the most of any opportunity that comes because the days are evil.[10]

And lastly, we must heed God’s charge not only for 2020 but for every day of our life. “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom:  Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.[11]make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them…teaching them to observe all…that I have commanded you[12]be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”[13]

Have a great year!

[1] I Timothy 4:8
[2] Romans 8:1-11
[3] Hebrews 12:1
[4] I John 4:1
[5] Matthew 6:22; Luke 11:34
[6] I Timothy 4:1
[7] Romans 11:20; 1 Corinthians 10:12; 2 Peter 3:17
[8] II Timothy 2:15; Acts 17:11
[9] Ephesians 6:10-18
[10] Ephesians 5:15; Colossians 4:5
[11] II Timothy 4:1-2
[12] Matthew 28:19-20a
[13] II Timothy 4:5, Matthew 28:20b


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