The bright sun of Babylon streamed through Daniel’s window as the aging prophet unrolled the scroll. Jeremiah, Jerusalem’s man of God, had sent it to Babylon years earlier. And when it first arrived, Daniel practically devoured this Word from the LORD. Captured by King Nebuchadnezzar as a teenager, Daniel had lived in this pagan culture for about 67 years. Kings came and went during his lifetime, and recently the Empire had changed hands. Yet Daniel’s God was in control. And this, God made evident sometime earlier when coworkers had plotted against Daniel. Supposedly he had broken the king’s bogus law by praying to Almighty God instead of the king. As a result, they threw Daniel into the lion’s den. But this Most High God, proving to all that He is God and there is no other, [1] shut the lion’s mouths. [2] Reminded of something in Jere...