Peace On Earth, Good Will To Men
This morning, sunshine streamed through my windows. Compelled to see this first-hand and soak up some much-needed vitamin D, I rushed out the back door without my coat. The brightness in the sky made me think of warmth. But frigid air jolted my senses. Everything within view was covered with snow or white frost. Standing on my back stoop, I gazed toward the sun. Its early morning brilliance, hindered by the frosty sky, appeared to be shining through a translucent disk. Light hit the trees casting shadows and creating beautiful contrasts to darkness. I took a moment to pray, thanking God for His creation—that He quickly confirmed was passing away. [1] I lasted about a minute outside and then scooted back in. Checking my phone for the outdoor temperature shocked me. TEN degrees! Brrr! I thank God for the cold because I know it kills many germs that would seek to harm us come spring. Still, peering out my window and seeing that beautiful sun fooled...