Seventeen Days of Prayer - Day Ten - January 13, 2021




“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.”[1]


Father God, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are in the battle of our life. For too long, we have been complacent and comfortable. You warned us wolves would come in among Your sheep, that we were to be sober and vigilant, for our adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour,[2] and we, Your church, fell asleep on our watch. Forgive us, O Lord, as we repent in dust and ashes.


Your children, in whom Your Spirit dwells, didn’t remember how the fallen angel, the Prince of Persia, withstood the mighty angel in the book of Daniel. We thought the enemy only attacked us in the spiritual, regarding the Gospel and its preaching.


We did not realize how powerful the fallen angel, the dark Prince of America, had grown. Again, forgive us, O Lord, and give us eyes to see our enemy. Compel us to pray with power as Daniel did, so that You send Your angel warriors to fight this evil prince, to help us pull down this spiritual stronghold over our government, and to deliver us from evil. You, Lord, declare the victory.


In Jesus’ name and filled with Your Holy Spirit, we, the people of God Almighty, pull down the stronghold the enemy has over America, and we come against the evil his human servants are bringing forth.


We ask, Father, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Savior, our All in All, for You to send Your angels and stop the enemy in their tracks. Expose the corruption and lies in government offices, and give America back to Your servants, who honor and glorify You with their thoughts, words, and deeds.


Still, Lord, as we do battle in the spiritual dimension, men and women will fight this battle in the physical. Protect all Your servants who are fighting for right and good in this country:  our Military, our National Guard, our State and Local Police. Make them strong—stronger and wiser than humanly possible. Go before them as their Shield, their Defender, and go behind them as their Rear Guard. Give them Your divine wisdom that they may uncover all the evil secrets, and fight this battle in the physical world while we, your children, stay vigilant to fight in the spiritual.


You promised that “no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue which rises against us in judgment You shall condemn.” And why would You do that? Because You love us with an everlasting love, and You said, “This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.”[3]


We understand we will have tribulation in this world, but we should be of good cheer for Jesus overcame the world.[4] Thank You, Lord God, for this comfort.


Keep our faces strong against the enemy and our foreheads like adamant stone, harder than flint,[5] that we may fight with relentless determination for the Gospel and the good of our country.


O Most High, in the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen and amen.

[1] II Corinthians 10:3-4

[2] I Peter 5:8

[3] Isaiah 54:17

[4] John 16:33

[5] Ezekiel 3:8-9


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