Seventeen Days of Prayer - Day Thirteen - January 16, 2021
Father, today is
day thirteen, and this morning, I’m struggling. I’m grieved by what I see and
the discussions I’ve had with people so blinded by evil—people I love. People I
care about, and they can’t see what is true. They believe all the corrupt media
says, and because of this, the hate in our country is oppressing. Father, deliver
us from evil.
You, O Lord,
compelled me to pray for these seventeen days, so give me Your Words. Help me see
Your strength and power on this day thirteen—thirteen, the number that shakes
many people—the number associated with depravity and rebellion in Scripture. Does
this number not encompass all that is happening in our land?
The evil, as thorns
that grow up and choke the Word of God, overruns our land. And although these evil
ones are men of great stature and we feel like grasshoppers, You gave this land
to those who do not live by bread alone, by every Holy Word that proceeds from
Your mouth.[1]
If You, Lord,
delight in us, and Jesus is not returning for His church very soon, then give
us Your power to take back what we’ve lost. Help us to not rebel against You,
nor fear the people who have rejected You. If You, Almighty God, are with us,
then who can be against us? Let these evil ones devoured and remove their
Surround those in
our government who are working against the evil and to expose the lies with
Your hedge of protection. Keep them in the palm of Your hand, give them Your
wisdom, direct their paths, and make their way prosperous for good.
Lord, make us stand
firm with them and against the giants—the evil government trying to take over our
country. Help us fight against them in the name of the Lord of hosts with Your five
smooth stones of grace.
As Goliath defied
the armies of the living God, give us, Your children, the strength and
fortitude to stand and proclaim as David, “You come to me with a sword, with
a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God
of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord
will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head
from you…that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel
[America]. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord
does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s,
and He will give you into our hands.”[3]
“Do not be
deceived, you enemies of the
Lord, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”[4]
In Jesus’ name, we
pray, Amen, and amen.
Marrhew 4:4
Numbers 13:32-33; Numbers 14:8-9
[3] I
Samuel 17:26, 45-47; Romans 8:31
Galatians 6:7
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