Let Those FIERY Darts Fly!


Have you noticed how many lies pelt us every day? Lies our ears hear and lies only our heart hears.


Especially now with social media. Mean-spirited people often type something they would never say to our faces, yet we take them to heart and believe the lie.


But sometimes, even lovely comments can be a snag. Though they may be true about our talent or appearance, the enemy of our soul could use them to puff us up with pride.[1] We start to think we are the originator of our looks or abilities instead of our Creator. And on the flip side, these so-called praises could be meant as flattery—someone’s veiled attempt to take us down because of jealousy.


Still, many other lies concerning the world and life, in general, strike when we least expect it. So, we must be watchful, cautious, and on guard against spoken, written, or implied words. But why?


Words affect our spirit. Some are truly edifying, but others seize our hearts and drag us down into depression, fear, or deception. That’s what a lie is designed to do. It’s an untruth—sometimes masked as truth—but always malicious. And these lies are shot secretly[2] like fiery darts to catch us off guard, unable to counter or defend ourselves.


And without a shield, we’re wounded. Not fatally at first, but lies cast us into a downward spiral either of anger because we don’t believe them, or despair, because we do. Both will cause greater confusion, separation from God, and, eventually, spiritual death.[3]


But know this, Satan doesn’t only attack with lies in every aspect of our fleshly life. He also lies about our spiritual life—beginning with who our LORD is—Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Good Shepherd, and, if we do know Jesus, he then resorts to lies about who we are in Christ.


At every turn, we’re confronted with lies. How, then, can we fight?


Only with armor. Almighty God supplied His Truth as our first piece. Truth counteracts any lie. The second, a Breastplate, is Jesus. He is the LORD our Righteousness who goes before us and behind us as our rear guard.[4] Next, we don shoes—ready to share the Gospel, but as we do, the enemy hurls fiery darts. And that’s why the LORD said, ABOVE ALL, we need a SHIELD—yet not just any shield—It’s a shield of FAITH.[5]


Faith? How can FAITH be a shield?


The answer is in its definition. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”[6]


God’s Word tells us that when we repented, the blood of Jesus redeemed—cleansed from sin, and God gave us armor. Although we cannot see armor, we believe it’s there. And it’s the same with God—we don’t see Him face to face, but we believe that He is.[7]


Faith is believing God and the TRUTH of His Word. Yet this belief goes deeper than just knowing something with your mind. It’s a complete TRUST in the God of the Bible that sinks down and transforms your heart and soul.[8] At that moment, God becomes your armor—your belt, breastplate, shoes, and your unwavering SHIELD. As your heart keeps Him high and lifted up,[9] your FAITH is in Him—not you. Then, any lie—like a fiery dart shot from the wicked one—hits your Shield first, and the flame is doused.


“…Do not be afraid…” the LORD says to Abram and to you, “…For I AM your SHIELD, your exceedingly great reward.”[10]


So, let those FIERY darts fly!

[1] I Timothy 3:6-7

[2] Psalm 11:2

[3] Isaiah 59:2; James 1:13-16

[4] Ephesians 6:14; Isaiah 52:12; Isaiah 58:8    

[5] Ephesians 6:16

[6] Hebrews 11:1

[7] Hebrews 11:6

[8] II Corinthians 5:17

[9] Isaiah 6:1; John 12:32

[10] Genesis 15:1


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