The TRUE Banner, Part 2



In a few days, we will celebrate the moment our fledgling nation declared its independence from Great Britain. On July 4th, many will display the American Flag, fondly known as Old Glory. But how many of us know the history and meaning of our flag, the banner we Americans rally around?


Our American Flag “…comprises two basic elements: the canton or union (the blue corner with the stars) and the field, composed of red and white stripes.


The canton is a rectangle of Old Glory Blue overlaid with 50 white 5-pointed stars, representing the 50 states of the Union. The field comprises 13 stripes, 7 in Old Glory Red and 6 in plain white, representing the original 13 colonies founded in the 17th and 18th centuries.

After the federal government designed and officially used the Great Seal of the United States for the first time, they gave the colors on the American Flag a meaning:


Red symbolizes hardiness and valor [or valor and bravery]

White signifies purity and innocence.

Blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice.”[1]


Since 1818, as states entered our union, stars would be added with a new version of the flag officially introduced on the following July 4th. Our current flag, containing Hawaii’s star, was unveiled on July 4, 1960.


Considering America's banner, I recalled our True Banner.


At a time when the Israelites were trekking through the wilderness, the Amalekites attacked. This was before the LORD appeared on Mt. Sinai to give His Law. Moses sent Joshua with some men to go out and fight, stating, “I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.” Aaron and Hur accompanied Moses while Joshua and his soldiers fought. As long as Moses held up God’s rod, Israel prevailed. But when Moses became weary, his arms would lower, and Amalek prevailed.


Israel needed to win. Aaron and Hur sat Moses on a large rock, and as they held up Moses’s arms, Joshua defeated Amalek. The LORD declared He would utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven, and Moses built an altar, naming it YHWH Nissi – 

The LORD Is My Banner.[2]


YHWH [Yahweh or Jehovah] Рthe Self-Existent or Eternal One. Nissi comes from the Hebrew word n̻c pronounced nace and it carries the meaning of a flag, sail, or, by implication, a flagstaff, etc.


The American Flag is the banner for this nation. However, as believers, the LORD IS our TRUE BANNER, and He alone flies above any national or global flag. With that thought, the LORD reminded me of the Tabernacle He had Moses erect in the wilderness. This structure contained TEN curtains and THREE entrances: a gate, door, and veil. These were all woven with FOUR colors: scarlet, blue, purple, and fine twined linen.[3]


Each color and entrance represented Israel’s promised Messiah, but none fully understood.


This side of the cross, we believers see. Blue signifies heaven. Yeshua Jesus, Immanuel, God in flesh, came from heaven into our sin-cursed world to die in our place. The fine twined linen, or White, indicates the purity of our Sinless Messiah. Red symbolizes His Blood shed to cleanse our sins. Purple, the color of royalty, represents our Sovereign King and His Kingdom.


As for the three entrances, the gate of the Tabernacle beckons all to enter pointing to Yeshua as the Narrow Gate, the only Way to the Father.[4] The door to the Holy Place is narrow, symbolizing Yeshua as the Door of the sheep. Those who enter by Him will be saved.[5] Then comes the veil, seen only by those who enter the Door. This Veil, torn in two from top to bottom, represented the Body and shed Blood of Yeshua. He opened the way for believers to boldly enter God’s presence.[6]


So, because America was settled “…for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith,”[7] and the LAW of God permeates our Constitution and Laws, is it any wonder the designers of America’s banner, our flag, chose colors representing Jesus?


Purple was the only color omitted. Do you suppose this is because while Jesus is our King, our TRUE BANNER, and His kingdom rules in the hearts of believers, His reign upon this earth has not yet commenced? But someday… “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”[8]

[2] Exodus 17: 8-16

[3] Exodus 26:1; Exodus 27: 16; Exodus 26:36; Exodus 26:31-33

[4] Matthew 7:13-14; John 14:6

[5] John 10:7-9

[6] Exodus 26:31-33; Matthew 27:50-51; Hebrews 10:19-20

[7] The Mayflower Compact

[8] Revelation 22:20


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