Is The Wood Dry?

Going camping anytime soon? Yes, fun! But don’t use fresh-cut, green branches for your fire. Why? They don’t burn immediately. Green wood contains a high moisture content, leading to incomplete combustion and excessive smoke…[1] It takes about six months for green wood to be dried and correctly seasoned so the wood does not create pollution or a creosote build-up.[2]

 A fresh-cut branch or green wood is new—at the beginning of the seasoning or drying process. So, keep this in mind as you read.


Are you as frustrated as I am with the events of the past three and a half years? Whoever thought we’d see Americans held as political prisoners by our own government? Or illegals invading through open borders, and these same non-citizens voting? Whoever thought we’d suffer another round of skyrocketing inflation with gas and grocery prices so high we can barely make ends meet? Did we ever think we’d see election fraud or that we couldn’t trust our elected officials to put America and its citizens first? And goodness, whoever thought we would see another assassination attempt on a Republican President? Shameful! The last attempt was on President Reagan in March 1981.


I’m sick of people protesting against Israel, burning the American Flag, and mocking the Most High God with vile human displays called art. I’m not saying ancient Rome wasn’t just as despicable, but they controlled only a small portion of the planet. Now, evil is everywhere, and we can barely escape it. What’s going on?


In 2007, George Soros, a wicked man who delights in destroying governments, said, "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States."[3] And another evil globalist, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF), planned a “Great Reset”[4] for planet Earth. Again, America, the land of the free and home of the brave, stands in the way.


Satan controls these malevolent elites. Their goal is to chip away our freedoms and crush the U.S.A. But, is this only the Globalist agenda since destruction and reset was their plan all along? Or has God decided the wood is dry and ready for kindling?


What do I mean?


As they led Jesus away to be crucified, women wept, mourned, and lamented Him. But Jesus said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children…” Why? Jesus then referred to the seven-year Tribulation events and made a strange statement. “For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?”[5]


Fast forward to July 2, 2024. As I watched yet another political prisoner being carted off to jail (Danbury Prison), the LORD said to my heart, “The wood is dry.”


I hadn’t thought about the Luke 23 passage for a long time, but there it was, fresh in my head. Tears spilled as I heard His voice and fully understood His green and dry wood analogy.


When Jesus spoke to the women, the world was like a fresh-cut branch—green wood. Evil crucified our LORD, the King of Glory, the only Savior.[6] Yes, as written, this had to happen. Jesus, God the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity, had to die for our sins and resurrect the third day.


But like He said, if they reject and crucify Him—Immanuel, God with us then, when the wood is green, what, oh what, will they do in the dry?


I believe we are seeing what they do in the dry. God’s beautiful creation groans under the weight of sin.[7] It’s been drying since the branch was cut at crucifixion. Europe seems primed and ready for Antichrist.


America, once a beacon of God’s Light, is rapidly changing. If it is to survive until the Rapture,[8] we need sound, common-sense people in office, people who love God, love America, AND love Americans.


Jesus knew “…the earth and the works that are in it [would] be burned up…dissolved…and the elements…[would]… melt with fervent heat.”[9]


The evil perpetrated in our nation and around the world is heinous. It must be purged before the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.[10] Rapture is near, but what we will endure before we meet Jesus in the air is yet to be seen. So, PRAY! Trust God. Recognize the wood is dry. Expect persecution. Fight the battle in the spiritual AND physical. Walk through open doors with the gospel. Occupy. Be watchful. Keep informed with TRUTH, not just the Word of God but from media outlets that report earthly truth. VOTE the Bible and LOVE His appearing!

Love in Christ,



[5] Luke 23:26-31

[6] Psalm 24:7-10; Isaiah 43:10-11

[7] Romans 8:18-22

[8] II Thessalonians 4:13-18

[9] II Peter 3:10-12

[10] II Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-2


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