Do Our Part

If you have been with me throughout these 17 years of newsletters, you are probably well aware of my views about America. However, if you’re new, you may not know I believe God deliberately established two specific nations on this planet. Israel first and then the USA.


Israel is forever—America is not.


Forever meaning only as the LORD God Almighty said through Jeremiah. If the sun, moon, and stars depart from before Him, or if the heavens and earth’s foundations can be searched out (which they cannot be), then, and only then, will Israel cease from being a nation.[1]


Yet, this phenomenon will not take place until after the millennial reign of Yeshua Jesus and the Almighty Triune God, seated on His great white throne, comes into our existence. In those glorious moments, earth and heaven flee, and the sun and moon are not needed. Why? The glory of God illuminates the New Jerusalem, and the Lamb is its light.[2]


Wonderful news for those not yet saved or for those with family members who have not received Jesus as Savior. There’s still time for us true believers to go into all the world and spread the gospel which is our first commission from Jesus.[3]


The thing is, America, the nation I believe God established as His missionary country between His first and second comings, hangs in the balance and is on the verge of annihilation. There’s an evil government currently in power controlled by our enemy, Satan. It’s bent on stopping the gospel, ridding this country of Christianity, and bringing in a GODLESS society steeped in Marxism and Communism.


Strong words, I know. But let’s take a moment to see what these leaders herald as their policies in comparison to the Holy Word of God.


Abortion, through all nine months of pregnancy called Women’s Reproductive Rights. In my opinion, their right stopped after they chose the sex act that created the baby, the second human with rights. I do recognize other conditions could come into play, such as rape or incest. But in Proverbs, the Almighty tells us the seven things He hates, and among them are hands shedding innocent blood.[4]


And if that’s not enough, how does God view child sacrifice, which is exactly what abortion is? Several false gods are listed in Scripture, and Molech is one, yet ALL are Satan. He is the god of this world.[5] In Leviticus, “…the Lord spoke to Moses, saying…Whoever…gives any of his descendants to Molech, he shall surely be put to death…”[6] Wow! A death sentence for child sacrifice!


Praise God there is forgiveness in the BLOOD of Jesus if, first, there is repentance. Scripture gives many references to these sinful abominations and the forgiveness and hope we have in Jesus, so do your own research.


Transgenderism and the mutilation of children. Any sane person and true Christian knows there are only TWO genders. God created them MALE and FEMALE.[7] Yet, in this country, adults have rights. If an adult is so deceived by Satan that they choose to mutilate their body to try to become something they’re not, let them pay for surgery. But surgery does NOT change their gender because God coded gender in DNA. It cannot be changed.


Nevertheless, when this perversion extends to children, our LORD gets more involved. The one who causes one of these little ones to sin, stumble, be ensnared, or mutilated should pray that only a millstone would be hung around their neck so they’d drown in the sea.[8] Jesus indicated THREE times that drowning would be better than the place in hell reserved for that evil adult who would do this to a child.


Sadly, these are only two wicked policies of the Left. We do not have room this month to dissect the open border, the billions spent to fund a proxy war, or the countless other evils.


As I began, I will end. Israel will exist as a nation until the Triune God sits on His great white throne. America will last only until Antichrist and the ten kings. If we want to live in a country that allows believers to share the gospel freely, we must do our part, our God-given civic duty, and VOTE for Righteousness. There’s no sitting this election out. We need all hands on deck if America is to survive until the Tribulation. And remember, “…to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”[9]

…to be continued[10]


Vote wisely and godly, my friends, but vote!!


[1] Jeremiah 31:35-37

[2] Revelation 20:11; Revelation 21:22-23

[3] Matthew 28:19-20

[4] Proverbs 6:16-19

[5] II Corinthians 4:4

[6] Leviticus 20:1-3

[7] Genesis 1:27

[8] Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2

[9] James 4:17

[10] See the next Newsletter for November Birthdays!


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